Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thanks for Participating!

The Adult Business Lab enjoyed two days of treats, fun, and drawings! Six lucky students won gift cards to Wal Mart!

The food that was shared was delicious!

Thanks for participating! And Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to everyone!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009



Mark Redmond

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

You can collect your prize on the book shelf by the printers in the South room!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Day 0 -

Thanks for playing the game!
Enjoy your holiday!
See you on January 4th!

Job Seeking Skills/Effective Presentations

ALL STUDENTS needing Job Seeking Skills and Effective Presentations - the class will begin Thursday, January 21, 2010
from 8:20 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.

The class meets in room B-17 with Colleen Stewart on alternating days.

Register for the class with Leslie in the next few weeks to secure a spot in the class!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sub for Santa Items for FBLA Service Project

Happy Holidays, everyone!

FBLA will be purchasing Christmas for a local family this year. A list of "wants and needs" is posted on the bulletin board in the Adult Lab.

Any donation is greatly appreciated!

If you would like to donate money, we can use the monetary donations to "fill in the holes." All donations will be gathered on Thursday, December 17.

Thank you!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lynda Myore will not be in the Assessment Center

Until further notice, Lynda Myore will not be available in the Assessment Center. Please contact your DWS Sponsor for more information.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December Edition of the Grapevine has Arrived!

Look in your box now for the latest information about the Adult Business Lab!
Check out date changes for Night Lab next week--
Make a note of the Tasting Table on December 17 & 18--
Plan now for reduced hours the week of December 21 and no attenance hours the week of December 28--

Monday, November 30, 2009

Lab Changes

Next Week Only!!
Lab will be on Monday December 7th and TUESDAY December 8th. There will be no lab on Wednesday!!

Twelve Days of Christmas Trivia!!!! Coming Soon...

Enter the Twelve Days of Christmas Trivia Game every day beginning December 8 through December 23.

Check the Blog each day for a trivia question. Write your answer on the slips of paper by the time clock and put your answer in the basket.

Each day a new winner will be announced on the "Life in the Lab" Blog!!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Leslie will not be here on Wednesday, Nov. 25

Please see Janea if you need anything on that day.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday!!

Friday, November 20, 2009


In an effort to coordinate all educational buildings in the area, a new "Lock Down" procedure has been implemented between UBATC, Union High School, Utah State University, and the LDS Seminary and Institute buildnigs.

The call for "LOCKDOWN" will be announced across the intercom system of UBATC

Students should do the following:

1) remain in the classroom; follow teacher's instructions

  1. if you are in the North room of the Business Lab, meet at the North East corner of the room IMMEDIATELY!
  2. if you are in the South room of the Business Lab, meet at the South West hallway by the time clock and mailboxes IMMEDIATELY!
  3. if you are in the restroom--STAY put!! Pick your legs up off the ground and stay in the locked stall!
  4. if you are in the hall--go directly to the closest classroom and remain there

2) if you see suspicious or threatening looking strangers around the school, notify someone who works for UBATC

Instructors/UBATC personnel will do the following:

1) Account for each student

2) Close and lock classroom doors

3) place the red/green card under the door

4) Listen for the "ALL CLEAR"

Thank you for your cooperation!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Plan Your Hours Now for Thanksgiving Break!

The UBATC will close on Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27 for Thanksgiving. The Lab will be open on Wednesday, November 25, but will close at 2:00 p.m.

Plan your hours accordingly!!!! Local school district schools will be out of school all day on Wednesday, November 25th. There will be NO Night Lab on Wednesday, November 25.

Enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Check out information in November's Grapevine

Janea has created a great November Grapevine! All students should find on in your mailbox. Check out the dates the UBATC will close for Thanksgiving Break!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

UTIPS is working again!!!!

Thank you for your patience for a few days while UTIPS was having "fits!" The system is up and running now!

UTIPS is a testing service provided by an agency of the state of Utah. The UBATC is fortunate to be able to utilize this service.

Happy Testing!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


If you get an error when you hit the SUBMIT button--do not panic! The score is still being recorded in UTIPS.

DO NOT take the test multiple times!!

All UTIPS tests are open-book and you can click on another answer if you get the first one wrong--but your score WILL GO DOWN!!! Also UTIPS tests can only be taken ONE TIME!!!

Leslie Will Be Gone on Friday, October 30

Leslie will be gone on Friday, October 30. Please see Janea and DeVon if you have questions.

Enjoyy our weekend!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Attention All Accounting Students!!

The Reinforcement Activities that are included in all Accounting classes are to be completed without the use of the Student Answer Keys.

When you are working on the Reinforcement, STOP at the "Posting" instructions in your textbook, and check your journals with Janea. Then proceed to the next section.

All Reinforcement Activities are corrected by the Instructional Assistant--not the student!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Remember Workplace Relations starts Thursday!

There are two sections of Workplace Relations being taught at the Roosevelt Campus this Fall. Students should have registered for one of two sections:

  • Thursday, October 22
  • Thursday, October 29

The classes will begin at 10:00 a.m. and go until 12:00 noon once a month for SIX months. See Leslie if you have not registered!

You'll really love this class!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Money for Little Caeser's Orders DUE FRIDAY!

Just a quick reminder...all money for the FBLA Fundraiser must be paid by Friday, October 16, or the order will NOT be made!

Please make checks payable to UBATC FBLA!

Thank you!

There is still time to order--see Leslie!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


If you missed the Student Social on Wednesday, please check in with DeVon about getting an orientation packet.

Each year all students must sign an "Acceptable Use Policy," and "Evening Lab" policy, and the "Honesty Policy."

When the policies are signed, please return them to the ASSIGNMENTS bin in the Lab office.

Thank you!!

Congratulations to our Winners!

Thanks to everyone who attended the Student Social on Wednesday. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, and found out information concerning the Lab and education at the UBATC!

We have WINNERS!!!!

Congrats to:

Reggie Jenkins, Anthony Melo, and Arianne Evans for winning BINGO!!!

Congratulations to:

Sundrina Barlow for winning the CANDY BAR GAME!!

And Congratulations to:

Arianne Evans and Louanna Reed for winning the "Dress for Success" Drawing!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The October Grapevine is Here!!!

Everyone should receive a copy of the October Grapevine in your mailbox this week! Look for information about Workplace Relations, a Student Social, and places you can get information about what is happening in the Lab!


Leslie Will Be Gone on Friday

Leslie will not be in the Lab on Friday, October 9, 2009. Please see Janea or Cathy if you are in need of assistance!

Have a great weekend--and we'll see you all on Monday!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome Janea Nelson to the Lab!

We appreciate the assistance of Ashlee Winn and wish her luck as she leaves the UBATC Business Lab to pursue another career avenue!

Ashlee will finish out this short week with us as she trains Janea Nelson. Please welcome Janea to the Business Lab! We are excited to her her!

Take a minute to wish Ashlee well in her new position, as well!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Workplace Relations Class to Begin in October!

The class you've all been waiting for is beginning in Roosevelt on Thursday, October 22, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. or you can sign up for the class beginning on Thursday, October 29, 2009!!!

The class will meet once a month on Thursdays for six months in a row.

There is a schedule posted on the bulletin board in the Lab. You will receive a schedule at the first class you attend.

Jeanie Tolbert is the instructor, and she has asked that all students sign up for the class that works best for their schedule. A Sign Up sheet is located on the desk in front of the Business Lab office so that you can sign up.

Make sure you register for the class with Leslie!

Reserve your seat now!!!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Dress for Success" Tuesdays

If you are new to the Lab, or have forgotten, the Business Lab supports "Dress for Success" every Tuesday!

Simply dress in professional clothes, and enter your name in the box to win a prize at the next student social!

The box is located on the desk in front of the Business Lab office.

Start buying clothes now that you can wear comfortably to work! Buy items that you can mix and match to save money and time!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Furlough Days!

New this year....because of budget cuts, the UBATC faculty/staff will take two furlough days in October. The two days will coincide with Uintah and Duchesne School District schools taking off for UEA. Plan now so you can be home when your kids are home!

The UBATC will be closed on Thursday, October 1 and Friday, October 2. Plan your hours accordingly!

Welcome to another week in the Lab!

Welcome to all the new students!!!

Thank you for your patience on A Days! If you need a computer, ask Ashlee or Leslie and we can find a computer for you!

Night Labs this week on Monday and Wednesday in Room B-17 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Little Caeser's Pizza Kits and Cookie Dough

FBLA is once again selling Little Caeser's products as a fundraiser. Orders will be taken from now through October 19.

If you are interested in purchasing kits or cookie dough, simply fill out the form by the timeclock, then bring your money to Leslie. The orders will be placed on Monday, October 19.

Orders will be available for pick up on Monday, October 26 after 7:00 p.m. on the dock in the back parking lot of the UBATC.

Thank you for supporting FBLA!!!!

Please welcome....Ashlee Winn to the Lab!

We are so excited to have Ashlee Winn join the Business Department at the UBATC! She will begin working on Monday, September 14.

Please welcome Ashlee to our "LIFE IN THE LAB!"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 9, 2009

New image is complete! In order to get the full benefit, students should login as the computer first; then right click on the red N and log in as themselves. Then all printers, toolbars, and num lock will show up.

Keyboarding Pro and timed writings software has been installed. Please see Leslie for a packet and for instructions on getting into Keyboarding Pro.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Keyboarding Software has been installed!

ATTENTION ALL Word Processing I students!

We have upgraded the Keyboarding Pro software and will no longer be using Kaleidescope Timed Writings for timed writings.

Please see Leslie or an instructional assistant for a new packet that gives information about using Keyboarding Pro, and a packet of timed writings for the course!

Have Fun!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 1, 2009

We are SO exciting to have so many students attending the UBATC and taking classes in the Business Lab. Welcome to everyone!

There are a few changes that have taken place this Fall. Leslie will ne teaching secondary students on "A" days in the South room of the Lab. When there is a GREEN tag on the computer, please choose a different computer in the North side of the room, or work on a class that does not require a computer.

If you are going to leave the UBATC for a while, please help by cleaning up your workspace and leaving the computer desk free of clutter so that another student can sit there while you are gone. There are lockers available from Leslie for no charge.

Workplace Relations
The dates have NOT been finalized for the Fall class. Keep reading the blog for more informations!

Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31, 2009

Word Processing I Students
The timed writings and Keyboarding Pro software have changed! Please be patient as the computers are "imaged" then all computers will have the same version of Keyboarding Pro. For now skip Keyboarding Pro and timed writings. Hopefully by the end of the week all computers will look the same.

Secondary students will use the six computers in the South room on "A" Days. They will be marked with a green sign when they are reserved for high school students.

Thank you for your patience.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Welcome everyone!!
·Business Program students
·Medical Program students
·Business class students
·Basic Skills students

Food & Drink
·Vending area available in B hall
·Adult students must use key located on bulletin board in North room. Do NOT let high school students in
·Sodas with a re-sealable lid are allowed by the computers; please leave fountain drinks on the counter in the North room
·Please DO NOT eat snacks at the computers
·An eating area for students is available by the Culinary Arts classroom after 11:15 daily

·Please DO NOT touch the screens
·Students are not allowed on the Internet unless working on a specific class/assignment
·Handle with care
·Printers available in each room
·Two black and white printers
·One color printer (hp3700) located in the South room

Time Clock
·Clock in/out every day
·Write times on backup sheet
·Clock out every time you leave campus
·If you are gone more than 15 mins.—you will be clocked out

Appropriate Dress and Cleanliness
·“Dress for Success” Tuesdays
·Check out
www.ubatc.edu for specific dress policies

·Please do not bring children to class
·Visit quietly in the hallway
·Do not invite high school students into the Lab

Monday, August 3, 2009

August 3, 2009

The UBATC will close at noon on August 7th for the Vernal campus ribbon cutting all students are invited to attend!! You can also tour the campus in Vernal between 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm that night.

UBATC to Close to Students for Orientation
The UBATC will be closed on Thursday, August 20 and Friday, August 21 to allow instructors and staff to attend orientation before the new school year begins.
All Duchesne District schools begin Monday, August 24. Uintah schools start on Wednesday, August 26.

Good Bye to Ada!
Congratulations to Ada! She has been accepted into the LPN program of the UBATC. Ada’s last day will be Friday, August 14. We wish her “Good Luck” as she begins her classes!

Student Social!
Join the Adult Business Lab for a Summer Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, August 12 at 2:00 p.m.
We’ll have food and prizes!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 13, 2009

Leslie will be gone Tuesday and Wednesday July 21 & 22 and on Monday July 27. (Even though it's her favorite daughters birthday!!) Ada and DeVon will be here to answer all of your questions!

FBLA Fundraiser- Buy candy bars and beef sticks for $1 in the Lab Office. Thanks for supporting FBLA!

Monday, July 6, 2009

June 6, 2009

Changes with Lab- Next week instead of lab on Monday the 13th lab will be on Tuesday the 14th. Same time, same place and for this week only!!

thank you for your patience!June has been a month of transition! A HUGE “Thank you” to all of the students for bearing with us while we transitioned the grades, time clock, phone calls, etc. from Sarah’s position.
“Thank you” again for your patience while we held the Lab in B-17 during cleaning. The lab and carpets look and feel so much better!
“Thanks” to Sydnee and DeVon for coming in to “rescue” us during the month of June. It made a big difference!

Vernal Building Move The date has been officially set for the “move into” the UBATC/USU Building in Vernal. The move will take place the week of July 13-17. To accommodate students in the Business Lab in Vernal, they will come to the Roosevelt campus for classes. They will meet in Room B-17.

Break Room Getting an Upgrade!-John Wahl, V.P., has arranged for a refrigerator and microwave for the student break room. Water will be coming...

New Face at the Roosevelt UBATC-Jeanie Tolbert will replace Keith Nielsen in the Assessment Center. Mark Anderton will be in the Assessment Center daily, Jeanie will be in the center two days a week. Jeanie will teach Workplace Relations at the Roosevelt campus beginning in September.

Student Log in Information

•All new students will be given a network login to save their files
•The network drive for student files is the U drive
•Remember to Log OFF of your network drive when you leave for the day!
▫Go to Start
▫Log Off

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Have a Happy Fourth of July everyone!

Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009

UBATC will be CLOSED July 3rd for Independence Day! Enjoy your holiday!

Workplace Relations students you only have 2 days left to finish your class before Keith retires!

FBLA Fundraiser buy candy bars or beef sticks for $1 in the Lab Office and thanks for supporting FBLA!

Student Login Information

-All new students will be given a network login to save their files
-The network drive for student files is the U drive
-Remember to Log OFF of your network drive when you leave for the day!
-Go to Start
-Log Off

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 22, 2009

Leslie will be gone on Thursday, June 18th and Friday, June 19th. Please see Ada or Brandon Aycock if you have any questions.

Workplace Relations Students If you are registered for Keith Nielsen's Workplace Relations class, PLEASE SEE KEITH IMMEDIATELY! Keith is retiring at the end of June so you need to get your coursework finished before he leaves.

UTIPS tests have changed as of June 1st ALL UTIPS tests are "Open Book." Every test can be taken ONE time, but you can click on more than one answer, each time you click, though, your score goes down!

UTIPS tests are changing beginning June 5th ALL UTIPS scores will NOT be returned to the students on the pink forms. Students are welcome to record their score on the student outline.

Sarah has a new assignment.. Sarah has accepted a posistion with the Fiscal Department of the UBATC. Sydnee, DeVon, and Cathy will be coming in throughout the month of June to help out. We appreciate your patience.

FBLA Fundraiser buy candy bars or beef sticks for $1 in the Lab Office. Thanks for supporting FBLA!
Student Login Information
  • All new students will be given a network login to save their files
  • The network drive for student files is the U drive
  • Remember to Log OFF of your network drive when you leave for the day!
    -Go to Start
    -Log Off

Grapevine June 16

Congratulations to Sarah Bird on her new position!
Sarah Bird will be leaving the Business Department to take a position in the Fiscal Department of the UBATC. Sarah's last day with be Monday, June 8th, but she will return now and then to train Leslie on the many things she does!
The Department appreciates everything Sarah has doen for the past FIVE years and wish her well with her new assignment!

Changes in the Lab
As Sarah moves to the Fiscal Office, Ada and Leslie will take over Sarah's tasks the best way they can! Please be patient as Ada and Leslie figure out the best way to serve students in the Adult Business Lab. For now, the following changes will take place:

-Students will continue to print their own time for themselves as well as for Sponsors. Ada and Leslie will be happy to sign and fax time to Sponsors, but it will be the student's responsibilty to print time. (The time has been adjusted to regular clock minutes.

-UTIPS scores will no longer be returned to students on the pink form. Beginning June 5th all UTIPS scores will be emailed directly from the email message. Students are welcome to record their own scores following each UTIPS test/quiz on their course outline.

Night Labs In Room B-17 for the Summer
Sydnee will continue to be the Lab Assistant for Night Lab. Labs will run from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays.
PLAN NOW- NO NIGHT LAB on Monday, June 15th the Lab will be held Tuesday, June 16th and Wednesday, June 17th that week ONLY.

June 16, 2009

Work Place Relations Students!! If you are registered for Keith Nielsen's Workplace Relations class PLEASE SEE KEITH IMMEDIATELY! Keith is retiring at the end of June so you need to get your coursework finished BEFORE he leaves.

FBLA Fundraiser Buy candy bars or beef sticks for $1 in the lab office. Thanks for supporting FBLA!

Student Login Information
  • All new students will be given a network login to save their files
  • The network drive for student files is the U drive
  • Remember to Log OFF of your network drive when you leave for the day
    -Go to start
    -Log off

Evening Lab Hours
Mondays and Wednesday
Room B-17
3:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Sydnee Kunz- Lab Assistant

Monday, March 9, 2009

Week of March 9-13

The Break Room is OPEN! Everyone can eat in the break room after 11:15 p.m. every day. There will be a microwave available soon!

Evening Labs are available every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00-7:00 p.m. Meet in room B-17!

Welcome to "Life in the Lab!"

As technology changes--I must change, as well.

For several years I have updated infomration for students using PowerPoint slideshows that run every school day. Now I am "getting with the times" and trying a new way to communicate!