Wednesday, August 14, 2013

UTIPS Has Been Updated!!!!!

The UTIPS Server has changed to a new platform. Before taking a UTIPS Test, a student must register for UTIPS; then be assigned the class folder in order to take tests.


Double click on the UTIPS Icon
FIRST TIME ONLY click "Create a New Account"
Enter the Enrollment Code: round18 
Choose a Username and Password

Then wait for the instructor to release the tests for the class

Double click on the UTIPS Icon
Type your Username and Password
Then wait for the instructor to release the tests for the class

Monday, August 12, 2013

Colleen to Leave UBATC

Colleen has accepted a position with Uintah School District at Vernal Middle School. Her last day will be this week. Colleen will be in the Lab on Tuesday, August 13 and Thursday, August 15 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Take the time now to wish her well in her new position! The UBATC has lost an amazing instructor and friend.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Lab Hours Change Beginning Tuesday, August 20!

As Duchesne School District students return to class, the summer hours for the business lab will change to accommodate schedules.

Beginning Tuesday, August 20, the Business Lab will follow this schedule:

Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday and Thursday Night Lab from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.



We are excited to announce that the shorter certificate programs have received approval from COE.

All students will be automatically enrolled in the shorter certificates for both Business Administrative Support and Accounting Technician. You will not need to re-enroll.

If you are have completed 1000 hours in the longer (previous) certificates programs, please visit with Leslie immediately so that permission can be granted for the longer certificate. If you have not completed 1000 hours, your enrollment will be in the new program.

A new matrix is now available in the Lab. They are printed on gray paper.

Monday, June 24, 2013

New Certificate Offerings through the UBATC Business Department COMING SOON!!!!

The UBATC Business Department and Administration are pleased to announce four new certificate offerings for students taking classes in the Business Department. These new certificates will take the place of the certificates being offered previously.

Students are welcome to stay in the program they are registered for now; or change to a new certificate program. If you are a sponsored student, check with your sponsor before making the switch!

If you would like to change programs; see Julene in the front office of the UBATC to fill out the proper paperwork.

New Certificate Offerings:

Accounting Technician                          720 hours
Accounting Basics                                   480 hours
Business Administrative Support           720 hours
Business Basics                                      450 hours

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

No Testing Available on Thursday, June 20

Ada Betts, Medical instructor will be covering the Business Lab on Thursday, June 20. She will not be available to give out tests. Students are welcome to take UTIPS Tests and work on assignments.

There will not be an Evening Lab on Thursday, either.

Monday, June 17, 2013

ATTENTION if you need Job Seeking Skills!!!!!!!

Colleen Stewart will be working the last weeks of June and all of July. She is prepared to help everyone who needs to take Job Seeking Skills in order to complete their program. Please register for the class IMMEDIATELY!!! You can register with Leslie or with Colleen.

With new certificate programs coming online soon, this class will NOT be required! So this is your final chance!!!!

Plan accordingly!!!!!